Make Proposals
This shortcut covers explicit proposal making that can only be done by the DAO's Board members. The proposals are of the top-level decisions concerning the DAO.
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This shortcut covers explicit proposal making that can only be done by the DAO's Board members. The proposals are of the top-level decisions concerning the DAO.
Last updated
The shortcut: Left panel For Manager -> Proposing
Only members of the Board can make these proposals, and only they can see this shortcut being activated by the system.
An Off-chain proposal on INK is constructed and recorded as a collection of Articles that are user-defined, and therefore, after they are voted into resolutions they are to be executed by the DAO off-chain.
Although the system creates this specific shortcut to implement the "plug-and-play" model, the activities covered by this shortcut are treated as making DAO-level proposals that follow the exact DAO-level workflow,
All setups in the resulting right panel are treated as on-chain proposals. Once submitted by the Board member, they must go through the voting processes, with the voting powers defined by the DAO. Once a setup is voted into a resolution, the execution will be done on-chain, enforcing all the rules specified in the setup.