Verify Identity
Ink Finance takes a "as required" approach to identity verification. A user can use an INK-integrated facility to obtain verification, as required by the DAO it belongs to.
Last updated
Ink Finance takes a "as required" approach to identity verification. A user can use an INK-integrated facility to obtain verification, as required by the DAO it belongs to.
Last updated
Shortcut: Left panel General -> Member Activities; Right panel Verify Identity
There are three groups of verification facilities:
Social Media Verification. This facility is provided by the Ink Finance protocol. Being socially verified is the minimum requirement to be qualified as any kind of Manager, and it is enforced by Ink Finance.
Biometric Verification. This facility is provided by third party, and integrated into the Ink Finance protocol. It can be used to qualify a Manager or a member. It is determined by the DAO, and is NOT enforced by Ink Finance.
Legal Verification. This facility is provided by third party, and integrated into the Ink Finance protocol. It can be used to qualify a Manager or a member. It is determined by the DAO, and is NOT enforced by Ink Finance.
The buttons connect the user to the third-party provided identity verification systems, and the INK WebApp will direct the user to the user interfaces to complete verification.
The third-party provided user interface will do the required facial scan and document verification, etc. The following screenshot is a simulation of such a process in Astra.
When the third-party process is completed, it will return an identity veirifier. The user can copy this identifier in the following simulation screen.
Now the user can store the identifier received from the third-party to Ink Finance, by pasting it to the input field and click the Finish button:
From now on, the user's wallet can be used in any situation where such a verification is needed, such as in a Manager's role or as an investor with KYC requirement.