Unified Custodian Vault
A multi-asset holding construct capable of safekeeping any form of assets, with fully programmable control mechanism.
The Unified Custodian Vault, or UCV, is a programmable multi-asset holding construct capable of safekeeping any form of assets with management rules attached. Any DAO can set up multiple UCVs within its organization to isolate assets or liabilities for different purposes, which have different operational authorities administered by different duty-holding Managers.
Whether it’s the Treasury, Investment, Community, and Funding operation, all transactions, such as those between DAO-to-DAO vaults, periodic payments, batched one-off payments, are securely executed by contract-based setup and multi-signing processes. Various income or revenue categorization, as well as their audit, is also supported. UCV makes the plug-and-play architecture very easy to implement.
With UCV, Ink Finance is able to support independent Treasury, Investment, and Funding operations within a large ecosystem, allowing each Committee to have its internal procedure regarding financial operations, while retaining highly uniformed operational convenience for users.
There are two programmable constructs managing and controlling the operational privileges over a UCV:
UCVManager abstracts control of normal operations that can be performed on asset containers. It includes:
setting up periodic payment schedules
setting up one-time transfers (to individuals and organizations)
multi-signing of payments & transfers
collection of revenue or income
UCVController abstracts control of forced operations that can be performed on asset containers. These control measures can intercept and stop any operations performed by the UCVManager. It includes:
forced liquidation of collaterals
forced repossession of collaterals
forced dissolvement of funds
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