Ink Economy Rules in Detail
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The pool accounts for 25% of the total issued QUILL Tokens, or 25,000,000. The initial emission from the QUILL Staking Pool follows a smooth curve over 20 years as calculated below, subject to an annual adjustment of the tapering schedule, based on the observed economic metrics of the previous year.
a. The INK Treasury starts with a balance of zero, and it accrues on actual fees charged by all INK facilities, and the sponsorship income in the form of the tokens issued by any DAO user.
b. Any DAO contract generated from the template in the INK Product Module imposes a minimal fee of 0.1% of the raised currency proceeds, or the equivalence in QUILL Tokens, and accrues 75% of the fees to the INK Treasury. The minimal fee will be reviewed and adjusted by INK Finance annually.
c. Any DAO wishing to charge more to the issuers can vote on the additional fee parameter. The deduction from the proceeds will be enforced by the DAO contract and distributed among DAO members according to their internal weights.
d. Any DAO wishing to incentivize investors who buy products issued by its facilities can set its own reward mechanism, which is voted on by the DAO members, and enforced by the DAO contract to distribute.
e. Each emission drawdown from the INK Treasury shall be 50% of the balance at the time, and this emission will be released linearly in 60 days to the stakers.
f. INK Treasury reward emissions can be earned by stakers as additional income, if they choose to sponsor the members of a particular DAO who don’t have enough QUILL Tokens to bid for the governance seats or to defend their seats in challenges. The sponsors will share this reward with the DAO members that they sponsor, The DAO can vote on the proportion of reward shared between the sponsors and the sponsored members.